Who We Are

HEDG is a team made up of world-class experts in each relevant field: from investment and finance, to design, data science and technology talents, our goal is to deliver the best investment experience that your will ever go through.

What we do

We started by wanting to help our community to build and secure financial well being: retire early, buy a house, secure kids’ future education… So we provided a solution for them to achieve a better financial future. We used technology to drive down cost, and we built a platform with an intuitive user experience and no complicated financial jargon.
Today, HEDG offers a one-stop shop for anyone looking for hands-off auto-investing experience, to build a riterment plan that could help securing his\her finacial future, with HEDG, you can take a little persentage of your salary, or daily income and put it to work for you. Our hybrid model provides access to on-demand cash-out, auto deduction, 24\7 customer support, and banking level securirity.

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HEDG Offices


52 Tyran street, Naser City, Cairo, Egypt


Jumeirah Laked Towers, dubai, united arab emirates

What are you waiting for?

Give all your money a place to grow.
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